Sunday, August 1, 2010

how to write a report

Prepared by:
Roselena Mansor
Deputy Director (Academic Affairs)
10 December 2009
This report format contains guideline on word-processed report writing for all
programmes in KPM Beranang.
1.0 Language
The entire report should be written in English except for courses which the medium of
instruction is not in English. Language used must be simple and direct to the related
2.0 Font
Use Arial as font type of size 12 for all text in the report.
3.0 Title and subtitle
All titles and subtitles must be numbered and bold. The subtitles should not be indented
but arranged in a structured manner not more than three levels as follow:
1.0 First level (Title of the topic) – level 1
1.1 Second level (Title of the subtopic) – level 2
1.1.1 Third level (Title of the sub-subtopic) – level 3
Sub-topics beyond level three are not allowed and should be labeled using alphabets
(a, b, c, …) and Romans. Numbering using Roman style (i, ii, iii, ….) is only allowed
after the alphabets have been used.
1.1.1 ………
a. ……………..
i. ……………..
b. …………….
All numbering should be left aligned.
4.0 Line/Body Text Spacing
Use JUSTIFY alignment with 1.5 spacing for the entire body text throughout the report.
The text body should not be indented for each paragraph, but hit the enter key twice
before stating the following new paragraph.
5.0 Captions
Captions must be written at the top of any table or figure.
6.0 Margins
All pages should be set with the same margin. The left margin should be 1.5 inch (for
binding purpose) and 1 inch for the top, right and bottom margins.
7.0 Pagination
Page numbers should be at the right bottom of the page and the page numbers should
appear by themselves and are not to be enclosed in parentheses, hyphens, title, etc.
8.0 Report Content
Report must not exceed 3,000 words and must contain the following:
8.1 Title page
College Logo (top centre)
Course Title (centre)
Title of Report (centre)
Prepared for
Lecturer’s Name
Prepared by
Student’s Name (centre)
Academic Session & Year (centre)
8.2 Declaration
I hereby declare that the work in this report is my own except for quotations and
summaries which have been duly acknowledged.
Date Student’s name & Signature
Student’s ID Number
8.3 Text
A report must have an introduction, findings or discussion, conclusion(s) and/or
8.4 References
Please cite the source of reference accordingly either from book, journal, electronic
media or etc.
8.5 Appendices
Each appendix should be identified in sequence separately in alphabetical order
(Appendix A, Appendix B, …. etc.). Do not provide page number for the appendices and
they should be placed at the end part of report.


Prepared by:
Roselena Mansor
Deputy Director (Academic Affairs)
10 December 2009
This report format contains guideline on word-processed report writing for all
programmes in KPM Beranang.
1.0 Language
The entire report should be written in English except for courses which the medium of
instruction is not in English. Language used must be simple and direct to the related
2.0 Font
Use Arial as font type of size 12 for all text in the report.
3.0 Title and subtitle
All titles and subtitles must be numbered and bold. The subtitles should not be indented
but arranged in a structured manner not more than three levels as follow:
1.0 First level (Title of the topic) – level 1
1.1 Second level (Title of the subtopic) – level 2
1.1.1 Third level (Title of the sub-subtopic) – level 3
Sub-topics beyond level three are not allowed and should be labeled using alphabets
(a, b, c, …) and Romans. Numbering using Roman style (i, ii, iii, ….) is only allowed
after the alphabets have been used.
1.1.1 ………
a. ……………..
i. ……………..
b. …………….
All numbering should be left aligned.
4.0 Line/Body Text Spacing
Use JUSTIFY alignment with 1.5 spacing for the entire body text throughout the report.
The text body should not be indented for each paragraph, but hit the enter key twice
before stating the following new paragraph.
5.0 Captions
Captions must be written at the top of any table or figure.
6.0 Margins
All pages should be set with the same margin. The left margin should be 1.5 inch (for
binding purpose) and 1 inch for the top, right and bottom margins.
7.0 Pagination
Page numbers should be at the right bottom of the page and the page numbers should
appear by themselves and are not to be enclosed in parentheses, hyphens, title, etc.
8.0 Report Content
Report must not exceed 3,000 words and must contain the following:
8.1 Title page
College Logo (top centre)
Course Title (centre)
Title of Report (centre)
Prepared for
Lecturer’s Name
Prepared by
Student’s Name (centre)
Academic Session & Year (centre)
8.2 Declaration
I hereby declare that the work in this report is my own except for quotations and
summaries which have been duly acknowledged.
Date Student’s name & Signature
Student’s ID Number
8.3 Text
A report must have an introduction, findings or discussion, conclusion(s) and/or
8.4 References
Please cite the source of reference accordingly either from book, journal, electronic
media or etc.
8.5 Appendices
Each appendix should be identified in sequence separately in alphabetical order
(Appendix A, Appendix B, …. etc.). Do not provide page number for the appendices and
they should be placed at the end part of report.